A selection of rhyming comics
On a day quite like the other days,
Bug chose to go a roamin’,
Stood tall on highest mountaintop,
To gaze on that unknowin’.
Unbogged by slog through marshy marsh,
They set their tread ahead,
Near fields of hazy florals
Through which fearful may not tread.
Bypass the sphinx (she’s a bit much),
Avoid her riddles three.
Then spent a week in calm repose,
To sigh beside the sea.
On a day quite like the other days,
Bug started out again.
Past ruins known for aged lore
Beyond the mortal ken.
Fled from ired claws to fall,
A mayday in the quay.
Adrift amidst the craggy climes,
The way ahead mislaid.
Dragon flames set paths aglow,
Warming Bug’s weary toes.
Bug pondered to the will-o-wisps,
”But how far shall I go?”
“To sally forth? Or sally back?
To see thither and yon?”
The stars winked down in bright refrain,
”Onward, wander on!”